St. Hedwig Catholic School is accredited by:
- Western Catholic Education Association
- Western Association of Schools and Colleges
Visiting Committee Summary Thoughts:
St. Hedwig Catholic School is a fantastic representation of what a Catholic School should be. It is an institution rooted in faith and traditions fostering a caring, faith-filled family environment which creates a unique feel that is intangible yet so prominent in the daily life of the school.
The school, in successfully and thoroughly completing the self study process identified four critical areas for growth, and formulated an Action Plan to address them. The school embodies its SLEs, and Catholic values permeate its curriculum.
Students at St. Hedwig Catholic School are learning at a high level. The teachers, parents, and students are served well by their pastor, principal, and vice principal who work cohesively in service to the school. The school applies prudent financial practices in its resource management. St. Hedwig Catholic School has a wonderful staff, solid leadership, parental support, and a strong desire to continually improve.
The visiting team was highly impressed with the students of St. Hedwig Catholic School. They were welcoming, polite, and most importantly engaged throughout the visit and were a great representation of their school and themselves.