St. Hedwig Students Place in This Year's Academic Decathlon

Recently, a group of St. Hedwig students participated in the Jr. High Academic Decathlon. This is an academic competition where schools compete in teams of ten with specialists in eight specific subjects.  In November, they began practices on Thursday mornings every week. Then, as the competition grew closer, they increased their practices to twice a week. The decathletes that studied a specific subject also scheduled meetings to study with their mentors and prepare for the competition. St. Hedwig decathletes worked diligently preparing for this much-anticipated event and in the end went home with five medals in the subjects of Religion, English, Literature, Science, and Math.


We are proud of the following students for their performances in the competition:  Lauren To, Maya Patel, Fiorella Barreto, Santiago Barreto, Gabrielle Gacer, Joshua Kim, Henry Peacock, Tomas Hertzog, Amelia Scalas, Sara Balanta


The following students earned medals in the competition:  Lauren To - 2nd Place Science, Gabrielle Gacer - 4th Place English, Joshua Kim - 3rd Place Literature, Santiago Barreto - 3rd Place Math, Fifi Barreto - 2nd Place Religion